imaginations sorted

Monday, November 20, 2006

Dirk is gone .....RIP

Dirk is gone....RIP
How sad and way to soon.. I was just at his place last month and he was so on fire and witty......a terrible and tremendous loss for the SF underground: hell for the entire universe of Punk Rock... and so much more....xoxoxoMiss Oblivious----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: GWENDOLYNDate: Nov 20 2006 7:58 PMIs it true? Thanks Jimmy Crucifix and Lora for the infoDirk Dirksen has been producing television programming since 1957, including the legendary weekly twelve hour live program"ROCKET TO STARDOM" for KTTV Los Angeles. Later he was the creative glue behind the teen soap opera"NEVER TOO YOUNG" for the ABC-TV Network in the mid-60's. Founding the DMP organization in 1974 Mr. Dirksen has provided his extensive experiece as Executive Producer of all DMP/Dirksen-Molloy Productions.He found himself as the driving force behind the new music revolution of the mid-70's with the seminal avant-garde theatres the Mabuhay Gardens and the On Broadway Theatre which broke all boundaries of music and art through that turbulent period in music.. Founding the DMP organization in 1974 Mr. Dirksen has provided his extensive experiece as Executive Producer of all DMP/Dirksen-Molloy Productions. Bulletin Message -----------------From: ♥Miss Gabrielle~Date: Nov 20 2006 7:17 PMSO SAD. DIRK DIRKSON WAS A PUNK ROCK LEGEND AND A SWEET MAN. HE WILL BE TRULY MISSED.XxMISS G----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Jimmy CrucifixDate: Nov 20 2006 7:02 PMI just heard that Dirk Dirkson died last night. Dirk Dirkson was at Lennon Studios for the Mutants Party Sunday Night and Looked Fine???

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