imaginations sorted

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I have updated my etsy shop

Yes it's true kids.. I just uploaded many new items created by me..Miss Oblivious...
Please go take a look and support a wacky, haunted and messy artist..

what a summer it has been...and it is not quite finished...

I am proud to say my life is grand..I have astounding and supportive friends.. inspiring artist as friends.. from the artist I am honored to call my friends that sell their art for $20... to my pals that can sell a painting for hundreds of thousands of moola..
My children are amazing and teach me something new everyday.. just when I think I know whats going on I am sideswiped by life and it's challenges.. keeping me on my toes and giving me refreshing breath...Circus Contraption did their final show this summer which was very emotional and hard to even imagine! They are all some of the most talented, bizarre and caring group of freaks I have ever had the honor of working with.
There have been many many break-ups this summer some that I hadn't imagined, along with the break-ups were unions! The planets are really strong! are really messing with all of our destinies yet I embrace their decisions and the magic they bring to our spirits!
I am chugging along.. with many shows I am either a part of or promoting or producing~
I have directed, edited and produced three short video/films this summer.. I was asked by the ever over talented Funi to produce a short video for her newly published novel "about the ghosts of Jules Mae" it will premeire September 11 at JUles Mae...
Also I will be returning to New Orleans for my third visit in 2009.. I dream of one day being a part time resident ..along with Astoria Oregon...having a mini goat and making art all night long....
I have an opning for my dead poets show this Sunday please stop by and say hello.. buy some art and have a drink..xixooxoMIss Oblivious