Here I am writing about the trip that changed many things and switched my era as to speak of.
I have been very busy ,yet very numb!
I am not depressed, I am not happy, I am not sad, I am not overwhelmed..I just am! Well for the passed 12 monthes.

So Many great occurances grace themselves in my presence and I am very fortunate to have wonderful and talented peers,friends and family!
Okay it is September and it has taken only another planned trip to the cresent city to push out a narrative of my late spring adventures!
This trip was caused from my very best friend for 23 years tying the knot@!She found herself a keeper! He is sweet, intelligant and fun!
My highschool pal KUBO and I decided to share a room over at the Ritz affliliated suites!
Karen and Kimmy swooped me from the barley humid airport! Mexican food and girly alcoholic beverages! Many laughs and thoughts were shared between the three of us, heck it had been over ten years since the three of us had been together! The last time was my surprise attack in '98.

We devoured our meal and overindulged in our trampy n sweet drinks!
It was time to now pick KUBO up from her city of angels flight!~

Next would be the drive-thru dacqueri shack! Yes these joints are like Taco Bells and McDonalds, except they only serve slurpy type alcoholic mixes with such names as Swamp Juice,Gator Brew..well you get the idea!
After the first night we didn't se much of Karen as she was preparing her decadent wedding and out-of-town family members!

So Kubo and I strolled through the divine streets of the french quarter, garden district haunted tours,

25 cent cosmos at The Commanders Palace,Cemetary strolls(of course)Miss O loves Cemetaries and thinks they are so romantic!If anyone was ever trying to win me over a picnic, bottle of bubbly wine and an enchanted over grown cemetary would do the trick! I'd be yours forever!

late night stomps through one eyed jacks and boozy streets!(P.S do not ever.. ever.. ever walk down Bourbon street! Especially if it is hot out! Vomit and horse droppings do not mix well)We walked about 14 miles total!(She has a spedometer on her phone)

The next day would be rehersal dinner and time to aqcuainted with the grooms Argentinan pals! Pasta our 'ol pal since high school, AJ and Rudy plus Cal and Pat Ford really were the hits of the party!

Then that Bayou sun was set and the moon brought out the 80's hits, woman dancing around the pool and boys in the pool!

This was when I felt the bride and the grooms life long friends bonded! We swam and drank til the morning was near!

Kubo and I laid in our fluffy, comfy bed and called it quits!~
The next morning was girl time at the salon and the day of official "I do's"
In true Karen Ford fashion she had a mason jar filled to the brim of some alocoholic potions and we sipped these mixes while hands and feet were primped!

Next was the brides make-up in which I was in control of applying! And AJ did a beautiful updo on the bride! She was stunning!The limo arrived and we all hopped in with much more champagne and I held back my tears!
I was so overwhelmed and pleased that my very best friend had found such a great, thoughtful and caring fella to spend her life with!

The church had very beautiful and dark iconic statues!

Quintron played the organ with such class and the scene was set! KAREN FORD & SEBASTIAN were tying the knot!

It was very traditional yet I enjoyed every second of it! This was real, this was gorgeous!

After vows were exchanged it was time for The Bayou house!

Quintron was kind enough to give Kubo,Kitty Lynn and Myself a ride in his limo to this historical event!

The food was divine ,

the bar was open and hospitality was in full throttle!
A man named Michael(full of charm) photographed me and gave Kubo lessons of traditional southern manners and they danced on the greenest grass!

The Steamboat boys were very entertaining!

I met an amazing man named Michael.D and he is someone I can talk to forever, he is a historical genius and very talented!

I danced with the ladies and Kevin Ford was swinging all through the lovely set of the sounds. Bonnie and Chris,Pat and Cal, and everyone else was strolling through this southern night of pure decadence!

The pool was once again utilized! Mayhem and bliss and heavenly unforgotten times were had! This was the best wedding I had ever attended!

Cucumber and mint filled the air! In the very late night(early morning) after Kubo and I had strolled down Esplanade and chatted for an additional hour at karens Home we finally closed our eyes and agreed we had a wonderous evening!
The morning after clothing items were discovered, pictures were proof and fuzzy memories were all we had left to get us through the warm spring day before I boarded a plane back to the North West!
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