This weekend is the wedding anniversary of POPS n KOOK, though our titles in 2005 were Miss Oblivious and The Cap'n.
We were wed by the macabre snobbish tramp Vinsantos, I was walked down the port by my drag FAUX father and catering was by the radical fairy Luke Warm, Angie was the maid of honor and she serenaded the 90+ guests and wedding party into heartfelt tears ( a song she wrote for me on my wedding day)!
Master Rikki Furcoat built us a ship to stand above onlookers and conduct our "I do"s" plus the other dozen or so that made it special with preparations!

I would have lost my marbles if it wasn't for two of my dearest soul sisters Terri Boatwright and Xtina spending the week with me from the NW and really tying all the loose ends! My BFF lived through Hurricane Katrina ,yet still was in attendance just weeks after the horrendous ordeal!
10-15-05 is our exact wedding date, A month we chose out of a necessity and passion for all hallows eve...Our honeymoon consisted of Haunted Mansions,Ghostly occupied Hotels and Tim Burton! None of those traditional summer nuptials, white dresses or Hawaiian honeymooners!!!
My vows were from the Doll Book intro of Blake, his were from a turn of the century ship captains handbook, our ceremony songs chosen were by The Damned,Velvet Underground, David Bowie and Cat Power......the boys wore rouge (one with a fake parrot on his shoulder and eye patch)and the girls were dressed in custom handmade Japanese school girl sailor uniforms!
Though we have our ups and our downs this is a marriage dreamt of by the king and queen of Samhain! Bitter sweet and Heavenly!!! There was also a SF University Documetary that filmed us the weeks following up to the event!
(I will post that link soon if u are interested!)
I love POPS with all my heart, he has taught so much over the past (almost 12 years) how to be observant, let others have the spotlight (instead of trying to out-do or compare my story with others)listen & let them talk: which is nice!
To be more appreciative of life ad less self-destructive, be considerate,
I am blessed that I am able to live my dreams and aspirations, he supports my mayhem and encourages me to be me! When I look around me I realize that this is not the case for many, but again we are not like the others......

My latest dream is going to uproot our family again in the next 5 years, yet he makes me mixed cd's of swampy sounds, gifts me with books on the wonderful state of Louisiana, and encourages my intrigue with different religions and rituals with handbooks on gris gris and the Queens that practiced on the soil of the Vieux Carre.
I hope to match him in these areas!
I dream of us aging in our creole cottage and collaborating on projects to leave behind for future generations....
and I will admit he is almost always right about people and places and things: so I stopped rebelling and started listening....
I want to thank him for
MY DAUGHTER (that he embraced as his own)
and gifting me with my darling boy
the three of them saved me from a downward spiral of self destruction and uncaring traits.....
They continue to inspire me everyday with their words, strength,wit and charisma!

1 comment:
Happy Anniversary Kook!!! X <3 O
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