Here is 2011 and we are more than half way through the year!
I have done some incredible things so far this year!
Yet alot of these activities have made me loose focus :so it is time to "Re-Focus" on dolls and my tight knit circle!
Which can be difficult if you are a natural social butterfly!
My re-focus project involves getting a part time job with a consistent income so I can pay off the many bills acquired recently! My dream is to move to New Orleans in the next 5 years and buy a home! In order to do that I need to be debt free so I can garden, make art and raise SailorHank. His sister DarbyJane will be in college in 4 years (yikes).
As much as I LOVE being out and socializing , it really gets in my way of being productive! it gets in the way of my JUJU, and I want focus!
I came home from my tour feeling that I need to disconnect from night life a bit.....I just finished celebrating 5 years of residency in Seattle with a 600 photograph installation at Fred Wildlife Refuge.
So wish me luck .....I will be isolating my self so if you';d like to see me, come over and watch Skeleton Key while i work or stop by the gallery for the weekly private viewings.....
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