SO here we are 2011, I hear this is the year!
i feel this is the year! to become stronger, successful,more inspired, feeling the empowerment, its time for that new revolution it has been over 5 years and with every 5 years comes a new sensation. I feel i have learned so goddamn much, have grown even more spiritually and driven into the right direction.Yet still feel empty and lost at times.."so is life"
I have been told that things are about to change!
I taste things are about to change!
I have been told that birds falling from the sky is more common than you may think?
High end fashion is still evil but oh so classy..or so i have been is time for females to take over again ,we have sat back the last few years: it is way to comfortable!
Be a Slut, Be out-spoken cause the more things that are shamed/denied/hidden and disguised, the longer it will take the nimrods to just get used to it!!!!
Cause they are most likely "doin it to" just undercover/in the closet..
Make mistakes it is how we learn...
and most of all be FORGIVING no one is perfect!!!
"oh wait" and most most most important use protection!!!!!
speaking of birds..
we need to ruffle ALOT of feathers,
piss in the river
and open our mouths ,eyes and ears to overpower the idiots,
get the attention that your mother always warned you ABOUT!!!!!!
you know mom always said "that was the "Wrong" way to get attention", HELL
cause that kind of attention: it's EMPOWERING to your woman hood!
Take photos of your naked body!!
I am sooo sick of seeing the inflated tits and oompa loompa tanned torso!!!!!
I want to see pasty skin, i want to see REAL....
shadows and bitches!!!!!
touchy feel-eeeeeeeeeee...
gush about you, your self,
your friends ....BE PROUD
go create~ make something!
.have some tea with your friends,
.get a crush( i don't care if your married),
. bond over a bottle of champagne
(cause god-dam-nit you only live once and we all really need to make every minute count).
Maybe you haven't done much lately but you did in the past?
then start something new!!!
something, anything!!
and travel..please travel
go places that make you uncomfortable!!!!!
FUCK Hawaii,
FUCK Vegas,
FUCK those plastic reality TV sensations
to be con't.....
on a self-absorbed note...I am currently working on my largest installation which will be in a gorgeous 1920's window front in San Francisco on Guerrero at 25th..I am aiming to have it completed by the end of February!
Zines,dolls,paintings,and photographs of SF eccentrics....
whores,queens,madmen n more
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