(Me and my mommy her nickname was "Witchy")
When everybody at my school in 1988 was dressing in Espirit and Guess Jeans I was embracing my inner witch, when other 14 year old girls were bonding with their mothers through bowling, lunching or selling AVON , my mother and I were attending Psychic Fairs, past life circles, flea markets(for antiqued attire), Janis Joplin and studying books from my grandfathers witchcraft library. So this is not a trend, fashion statement or phase for me it is truly a way of life.

(My Christmas Ball 1988)
Yes I do come from many generations of spiritual practitioners, my mother conducted "lil Tupperware type" parties, instead of plastic containers these gatherings were filled with tarot and dream analysis. I learned from a young age how powerful intention can be. And have always respected my ancestors.And am passionate about people treating others and your surroundings with kindness and sincerity.
As i reached my 20's I lived in very active homes, experiences that most of my guests , roommates or lovers could not explain.
Right before my 33rd birthday I moved from California into the Pacific NW.This is when i realized the electricity and importance of sharing my past. I had the realization that it was time to share my research, passion and knowledge with my peers and the community!
Through my dolls i feel that spirits and energy flows through my creativity. Telling the history of people in dollform, I also hosted a live show at The Rendezvous as
" a mourning victorian" teaching the audience the rituals and the honoring of loved ones that passed on at the turn of the century, I also was one of the founders of "The Mourning Market" I produced a TV show "Ill Famed Spirits" with a local psychic , finding 6 other woman to trust and practice with "Teflon Sisters", i also travel and research the history of the south.Our family road trips are always filled with cemetery visits and antique malls. I love Americana Hauntings, folklore and photographs....
My most current en devour is my dream job as a tour guide with Market Ghost Tours! History,ghosts and talking!!! I am good at all 3 of these! I am also a certified paranormal investigator and a member of AGHOST......
Tonight i begin taking private tours on investigations into the mortuary/chapel believed to be one of the most haunted buildings in the NW! my life is blessed with adventure, dreams coming true and access to this gorgeous building filled with Seattle's dark past!!!!I'd like to think i have done something right. hehe
I wanted to post some photos that were captured on my tour last week, after 6 monthes and almost a 100 tours under my belt this was thee most active week thus far!! Here are the images tell me what u think?
Also if you are in Seattle and would like to take a tour with KOOK here is the link http://www.marketghost.com/
(this photo was taken on my Friday Feb 3rd tour ) in the window of the empty pre-school--------------

(these photos were taken Saturday Feb 4th, 2012 consecutively all four in under a minute)in the same window at the empty pre-school