Last night was Sister Spit in Seattle, I hadn't seen Michelle Tea in 15 years, we were never really friends per say but had some of the same peers & were at the same shows when she started Sister Spit in SF around 1994. She had invited me to come read my juvenile zine at the time "Cunt Fear" 1994-1999, but since I was usually a drunken mess, I almost always arrived after the show was over, I would then end up at my Sunday night comfort zone "Muffdive" inside the Casanova and seemed to always miss my chance to grace the stage at Sister Spit.
Every week she seemed more and more excited about Sister Spit, it was so cool to see Michelle 15 years later just as thrilled and in love with her event, a rarity. I get so tired of jaded people over 30. "Jaded" Michelle is not , thank the goddess above and below. She is filled with light and energy.

(yes those are vintage gems encrusted on the lapel ,collar n sleeves of his dress coat)
"so sheik"

We all met at Lisa Orth's new shop Alleged Tattoos opening party (Lisa is over there on the left) the shop was packed of cuties & hotties..then the four of us headed to the HUGO house to secure primo seats at Sister Spit.
Within 10 minutes I had to use the bathroom "aunt flo" arrived it must've been all pheromones in the room. _a sure fire sign i was in the right place._ Plus sharing a table with my dear galpal Fucshia Foxxx and darling Kammee Mam...
Mz.Tea defiantly put together a treasury line-up, consisting of talented writers. Each one had their own charm plus had the audience rolling in laughter.

Amos Mac (original Plumbing Zine)
presented a slide show for his new quarterly magazine due out in Summer 2011 "TransLady Fanzine" featuring a series of images he captured of ZACKARY DRUCKER it really moved me.
I felt emotional,enraptured and inspired.Zackary resembles Greer Lankton and the photos were set in her east coast home. Please keep an eye out for the issue this summer.

Michelle ended the night with a biop from her blog about some of her favorite female writers which was hilarious and enlightening (Bukowski had a daughter that is now an author Marina Louise Bukowski)