Dame Darcy
Death by Doll tour
Fall 2006
“Dame Darcy is coming, Dame Darcy is coming”. “All hail our leader of mischievous fairy tales and creator of all
Great creations ”Film, dolls,
Crafting, comics, fashion just to name a few of this
Witches trade.
The northwest would be blessed with her majesties presence.
Yet only as far as Portland, so I quickly wrote her asking, begging and pleading for Death By Doll (DBD), to come just a lil further north and play their magical melodies.
Also, the Dame would be including a book tour of her illustrated version of “Jane Eyre”, so much to see, so little time…
DD then asked me to call her so we can discuss arrangements, after dialing the digits I discovered that her drummer Christopher resides here in Seattle and also plays in ARKADE, I was able to book some extra signings along the way at literary houses, and a warm place for her to lay her pretty head if need be!
Though I ran outta energy to attend the Portland appearance, I was not going to miss the night in Olympia. As usual I can count on Xtina to be my co-pilot.
We arrived early and Christopher (DBD drummer) offered icy PBR, and accompanied us in the dark back ghost bar.
A boy was playing his electric distorted guitar in great northwest fashion, a circle of folks circled around him Indian style on the floor.
Then DD arrived and complimented my hairstyle, in which I informed her that it was my “George Washington Do”, we laughed and then went about our way, (she wrote about this in her journals online), (even said I am beautiful),
(Yes I am blushing),
A puppet show was next and we somehow missed it completely. Xtina and I are great
at talking.
a ghostly christopher on horn
DBD was setting up and damn they were hot, electrical, out-of-this-world dreamy. DD performs and prances as a Meat Cake star. Her wailing, faint screaming and angelic harmony melted my aura.
It was over before you knew it and we chatted, giggled and traded tales of road tragedies and heroic mishaps.
Joey Casio took stage and he is by far “hubba hubba” of the month around here! Electric stamina, great hair /attire and boy can he dance! Jumping in the crowd, tweaking knobs on his gadgets and making the young studs shriek. I told DD he is a sure fire MeatCake hero if I ever saw one.
The night in Olympia ended with naked twister by the puppeteer from earlier in the night. Xtina was designated spinner!
olympia crush
DD decided to lay her pretty head at Christopher’s in which I promised her my wee ones would be disappointed, they had been so thrilled to have DD at their home. But my children would get to meet her at the book signing on Capitol Hill the next afternoon.
Arriving in the middle of her discussion at Coe Books, I was impressed with all this woman has to say, the way she lives, thinks and breathes. Dame Darcy is a strong feminist/environmentalists Wiccan, whom is educated on the rhymes and reasons behind her cause.
Darby Jane absorbed every word that DD spoke.
When the discussion was finished, Darby Jane eagerly gave DD a drawing she had made for and a suffer gate doll of Dolly Madison. SailorHank had a Meatcake signed and we then whisked away to Nikel & Jenines.
The Comet was on the agenda for DBD that night and I tried to get every person I know in Seattle to witness the sheer genius behind the unicorn inspired lyrical fairy.
ARKADE opened which most knows is Miss O’s favorite NW band.
Pure heaven, Kelli is really really really gorgeous! There are some people you meet and feel a natural attraction to their being, and Kelli is one of them for me. She sings, plays guitar and writes the music in ARKADE.
Miss O n Kelli
Nikki Sugar is also a sweet soul (keys/synth), and then Christopher (drums) a musical genius with an attractive presence. Their music reminds me when you are daydreaming and deep in the daydream you realize you’ve been driving your automobile for miles and don’t remember, it’s that state of in between. And they are not that sissy pop dreamy nonsense, they are more of that “ I woke up in the bathroom stall” dreamy.
dame darcy n ChristopherOn with DBD, this performance out shined the prior night in Olympia. It was the last night of a 90-day tour. I had one of my best nights in Seattle since the big move; Darlene was there Steve B, Danielle and of course Xtina!
Friday, December 29, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
whom has the guts?
sew Seattle whom has the guts? to be on stage with Miss Oblivious?I need an entire line-up, so who is up for the challenge?I'd like to be ready for the summer, ya know mini-tours, hot nights, early mornings?um yeah pass it on.. contact me if you are able....influences are and not limited to...
Blatz,Electrocutes,BagS,Tiger Lillies,Helen Kane,Hearses,Hair Grease,old shoes,cobblestone,peddlestools,
and all the inbetweens!
Blatz,Electrocutes,BagS,Tiger Lillies,Helen Kane,Hearses,Hair Grease,old shoes,cobblestone,peddlestools,
and all the inbetweens!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Ginger coyote makes my heart go boom...... Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
Ginger Coyote stole my youth without knowledgethe
echo of her voice rang through the Cactus stalls
I wiped and ran and was caught in her web
there she was so graceful, so posh
I must've turned red
surrounded by sleazy, meaty , raunchy broads
hey just like me,
I could not pry myself from the beer bathed stage,
though I was hardly of age
she grabbed me and pulled me to dance with them too
I embraced that encounter
decades have passed,
i hear of the queen of punk
she will be back in our streets
our hearts will go boom
black eyeliner and tights
the blush will be rouge
she shall arrive,
in chariot with young boys, she calls toys,
bring me a cocktail and let's make a mess...
to once more bring back thee image again....miss oblivious 2006
Ginger Coyote stole my youth without knowledgethe
echo of her voice rang through the Cactus stalls
I wiped and ran and was caught in her web
there she was so graceful, so posh
I must've turned red
surrounded by sleazy, meaty , raunchy broads
hey just like me,
I could not pry myself from the beer bathed stage,
though I was hardly of age
she grabbed me and pulled me to dance with them too
I embraced that encounter
decades have passed,
i hear of the queen of punk
she will be back in our streets
our hearts will go boom
black eyeliner and tights
the blush will be rouge
she shall arrive,
in chariot with young boys, she calls toys,
bring me a cocktail and let's make a mess...
to once more bring back thee image again....miss oblivious 2006
A garden of ROT
a garden of rot,this and that Current mood: frustrated
yes that's how I feel at times
dried,wet and rotting. when you entered my life you were so impressed: with the this and the that, That I did, the that, that I said!
The things I stood for made you love me , now we hollar, because I am so this and you are so that
stating how things are lame and so uniform,so boring and peaceful,you say this and I have to say that, "to just be opposite". Rebeling was sexy when it wasn't against me, against us and who we are.
With dozens of offspring and responsibilites so conformed.I wail my fist in the air, you raise your voice.I love you 'til the end and as gramps always said "this to shall pass with time"......our love everlasting it's hard at times with me being me & you being you......
yes that's how I feel at times
dried,wet and rotting. when you entered my life you were so impressed: with the this and the that, That I did, the that, that I said!
The things I stood for made you love me , now we hollar, because I am so this and you are so that
stating how things are lame and so uniform,so boring and peaceful,you say this and I have to say that, "to just be opposite". Rebeling was sexy when it wasn't against me, against us and who we are.
With dozens of offspring and responsibilites so conformed.I wail my fist in the air, you raise your voice.I love you 'til the end and as gramps always said "this to shall pass with time"......our love everlasting it's hard at times with me being me & you being you......
Monday, December 11, 2006
It is an old tale, perhaps embellished by the Malayan fishermen who so often recite it. It is a tale from a generation long gone, from a place the sea has long swallowed. It began long before recorded history, upon a rocky outcrop known among seafarers as the most celebrated Sake House within the Japan Sea. It was this setting, perhaps, that was the motivation for a ship full of voracious bootlegging opium traders to beguile, with the aid of their very trade, those most beautiful of hosts upon their ships. It is said that when the haze of the dragon cleared, the captors and their prisoners each began a new life. The loathing pirates at the bottom of the ocean and those Shanghaied Geisha, with their timeless beauty now peppered with the salt of the seven seas, eternally embracing the life of their former captors. Friday December 22,2006 Show starts at 8 p.m. sharp-Midnight The Balazo 18 Gallery 2183 Mission st SF (415) 255-7227 $3.00 21 & over Catering by: Lionheart Entertainment from: Cap’n Oblivious, Ari Shine (LA), The Stars Misplaced,Franklin Ex(LA), The Floating Corpses, Evolution Rainbow (SF) Movie Short Premiere of Shackgirl by: Dogswan Zine readings throughout the night from Miss Oblivious " Please click the link below to approve or deny this comment. 
The Shanghaied Geisha
The Shanghaied Geisha Dolls, photography, art & zines by: Miss Oblivious It is an old tale, perhaps embellished by the Malayan fishermen who so often recite it. It is a tale from a generation long gone, from a place the sea has long swallowed. It began long before recorded history, upon a rocky outcrop known among seafarers as the most celebrated Sake House within the Japan Sea. It was this setting, perhaps, that was the motivation for a ship full of voracious bootlegging opium traders to beguile, with the aid of their very trade, those most beautiful of hosts upon their ships. It is said that when the haze of the dragon cleared, the captors and their prisoners each began a new life. The loathing pirates at the bottom of the ocean and those Shanghaied Geisha, with their timeless beauty now peppered with the salt of the seven seas, eternally embracing the life of their former captors. Friday December 22,2006 Show starts at 8 p.m. sharp-Midnight The Balazo 18 Gallery 2183 Mission st SF (415) 255-7227 $3.00 21 & over Catering by: Lionheart Entertainment from: Cap’n Oblivious, Ari Shine (LA), The Stars Misplaced,Franklin Ex(LA), The Floating Corpses, Evolution Rainbow (SF) Movie Short Premiere of Shackgirl by: Dogswan Zine readings throughout the night from Miss Oblivious " Please click the link below to approve or deny this comment.
Friday, December 8, 2006
Home from Hollywood
I just got back from bliss, backaches and a blast! I toured the stars homes, had a great japanese meal with Ginger Coyote www.punkglobe.com , Stayed with KUBO, stayed at Elisa's, had a punk rock hollywood tour by my personal guide Dawn Wirth, had two exhibits in one night at www.Monkeyhouse.com also at www.thehivegallery.com and was also able to see FRANKLIN EX first show!
I am now preparinf my self for 3 shows in the next 2 weeks! and also a California trip!
I am now preparinf my self for 3 shows in the next 2 weeks! and also a California trip!
Monday, November 27, 2006
A grrl info for moi....
Yes an Austrian Zine just interveiwed me, can you beleive it? They wanna know about your's truely.. The Interveiw probablly won't be up for a few days but this is were it will be when it is!!
Haydeé and Elke @ Grrrl Zines www.grrrlzines.net
Haydeé and Elke @ Grrrl Zines www.grrrlzines.net
Monday, November 20, 2006
Dirk is gone .....RIP
Dirk is gone....RIP
How sad and way to soon.. I was just at his place last month and he was so on fire and witty......a terrible and tremendous loss for the SF underground: hell for the entire universe of Punk Rock... and so much more....xoxoxoMiss Oblivious----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: GWENDOLYNDate: Nov 20 2006 7:58 PMIs it true? Thanks Jimmy Crucifix and Lora for the infoDirk Dirksen has been producing television programming since 1957, including the legendary weekly twelve hour live program"ROCKET TO STARDOM" for KTTV Los Angeles. Later he was the creative glue behind the teen soap opera"NEVER TOO YOUNG" for the ABC-TV Network in the mid-60's. Founding the DMP organization in 1974 Mr. Dirksen has provided his extensive experiece as Executive Producer of all DMP/Dirksen-Molloy Productions.He found himself as the driving force behind the new music revolution of the mid-70's with the seminal avant-garde theatres the Mabuhay Gardens and the On Broadway Theatre which broke all boundaries of music and art through that turbulent period in music.. Founding the DMP organization in 1974 Mr. Dirksen has provided his extensive experiece as Executive Producer of all DMP/Dirksen-Molloy Productions.http://www.outspokenideas.com/----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: ♥Miss Gabrielle~Date: Nov 20 2006 7:17 PMSO SAD. DIRK DIRKSON WAS A PUNK ROCK LEGEND AND A SWEET MAN. HE WILL BE TRULY MISSED.XxMISS G----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Jimmy CrucifixDate: Nov 20 2006 7:02 PMI just heard that Dirk Dirkson died last night. Dirk Dirkson was at Lennon Studios for the Mutants Party Sunday Night and Looked Fine???
How sad and way to soon.. I was just at his place last month and he was so on fire and witty......a terrible and tremendous loss for the SF underground: hell for the entire universe of Punk Rock... and so much more....xoxoxoMiss Oblivious----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: GWENDOLYNDate: Nov 20 2006 7:58 PMIs it true? Thanks Jimmy Crucifix and Lora for the infoDirk Dirksen has been producing television programming since 1957, including the legendary weekly twelve hour live program"ROCKET TO STARDOM" for KTTV Los Angeles. Later he was the creative glue behind the teen soap opera"NEVER TOO YOUNG" for the ABC-TV Network in the mid-60's. Founding the DMP organization in 1974 Mr. Dirksen has provided his extensive experiece as Executive Producer of all DMP/Dirksen-Molloy Productions.He found himself as the driving force behind the new music revolution of the mid-70's with the seminal avant-garde theatres the Mabuhay Gardens and the On Broadway Theatre which broke all boundaries of music and art through that turbulent period in music.. Founding the DMP organization in 1974 Mr. Dirksen has provided his extensive experiece as Executive Producer of all DMP/Dirksen-Molloy Productions.http://www.outspokenideas.com/----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: ♥Miss Gabrielle~Date: Nov 20 2006 7:17 PMSO SAD. DIRK DIRKSON WAS A PUNK ROCK LEGEND AND A SWEET MAN. HE WILL BE TRULY MISSED.XxMISS G----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Jimmy CrucifixDate: Nov 20 2006 7:02 PMI just heard that Dirk Dirkson died last night. Dirk Dirkson was at Lennon Studios for the Mutants Party Sunday Night and Looked Fine???
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
knowing is half the battle!!!

Category: Travel and Places
go check out my other blog home I currently acquired!!!! http://blog.myspace.com/missoblivious
check out my website for all the new fancy images under Oblivious Lens Mishaps.. and a stroke evolving.... http://www.paynecreations.org/
I will be in L.A from Nov 30-Dec3rd, and am part of two group shows!!!
Dec 2 at Monkeyhouse in Silverlake 4p.m.-8p.m.
Dec 2 The Hive Gallery (downtown LA) 8p.m.-midnight
back in Seattle I am part of Libby's extraordinary holiday miltia...
DEc 10th at Libby's
Dec 9 wacky Mama's Crafting night (ask me for details if you wanna participate)..
Dec 17 IHEARTRUMMAGE..Crocodile Cafe' noon - 4p.m.
Dec 18th back to Calif
Dec 18 KSCU ffrom 6-7 p.m. promoting my art show
Dec 20th KFJC 5-6 p.m. promoting art show
Dec 21 picketing at radio shack SF
DEc 22 The Shanghaied Geisha exhibit : dolls,art ,photography and zines by Miss Oblivious......The Balazo Gallery(mission SF) 8p.m. - midnite...music by ari shine,the stars misplaced,zine reading by Miss O, spoken rants by DoG SWAn..Evolution Rainbow,The Floating Corpses and Franklin EX.....
and the full-legnth film by Dogswan released on December 22 go to http://www.swandogtv.com/
go check out my other blog home I currently acquired!!!! http://blog.myspace.com/missoblivious
check out my website for all the new fancy images under Oblivious Lens Mishaps.. and a stroke evolving.... http://www.paynecreations.org/
I will be in L.A from Nov 30-Dec3rd, and am part of two group shows!!!
Dec 2 at Monkeyhouse in Silverlake 4p.m.-8p.m.
Dec 2 The Hive Gallery (downtown LA) 8p.m.-midnight
back in Seattle I am part of Libby's extraordinary holiday miltia...
DEc 10th at Libby's
Dec 9 wacky Mama's Crafting night (ask me for details if you wanna participate)..
Dec 17 IHEARTRUMMAGE..Crocodile Cafe' noon - 4p.m.
Dec 18th back to Calif
Dec 18 KSCU ffrom 6-7 p.m. promoting my art show
Dec 20th KFJC 5-6 p.m. promoting art show
Dec 21 picketing at radio shack SF
DEc 22 The Shanghaied Geisha exhibit : dolls,art ,photography and zines by Miss Oblivious......The Balazo Gallery(mission SF) 8p.m. - midnite...music by ari shine,the stars misplaced,zine reading by Miss O, spoken rants by DoG SWAn..Evolution Rainbow,The Floating Corpses and Franklin EX.....
and the full-legnth film by Dogswan released on December 22 go to http://www.swandogtv.com/
so there are my updates, ask me for any details and mark those calanders, save those loose bills and hope to see you at one of the upcoming west coast events!!!
Miss Oblivious
Monday, November 13, 2006
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
Paynecreations by Miss Oblivious in SF at Balazo Gallery Dec 22

I am working my fingers, mind and soul to the bone getting ready to please all of you will some treasures! Painting, stitching and sculpting... please join me and my musical peers for a night of shanghaied sake' bombs and art and ooh just come ...
balazo gallery,
shanghaied geishas pirates
dogswan a swagger
mood: busy Category: Art and Photography
Adventures with one Dave" DOG" Swan
Oct 2006
I wrote about the above-mentioned Mr. Swan in a past zine this year and in case you are not on top of things I will be more than happy to update all of you on this divine creature.
I happened to stumble upon him at SF's undisclosed location this last spring. He was holding a video camera taping Master Moth and Le Flang Du Mal, I turned around after catching stills of these fabulous performers and there he sat in a chair documenting the happenings in John Whitehead's musty yet classy basement.
His appearance caught my eye and I asked if I could snap some quick shots of him. He said "sure', I then pulled a chair up next to him to chat for a bit and see what this interesting individual is about.
I piled many back issues of Oblivious Nation in his lap and we proceeded in an in-depth conversation (I think), we hung out a bit more into the night. He told me of his cable access show from the early 90's called "Doghouse" http://www.swandogtv.com/ and his many guests included friends Jello Biafra and Penelope Houston amongst many other groovy characters. He spent much time in Washington in the late 60's and has so many interesting stories to tell. I thought he was super fancy and hoped our paths would cross again.
Low and behold within that week he emailed me and told me of how he enjoyed my publication and how could I ever leave the bay area. We wrote back and forth and he even met up with me again at undisclosed for a brief visit in May. Presenting me with a copy of his beatnik jazzy band from SF 1980's called the Longshoreman (Subterranean Records).
I then lost contact when my yahoo account froze for a month or two, yet I still would send the latest issues every month. I was then able to reactivate my yahoo account, and we were back in constant communication.
I let him know I'd be visiting in October so he took the Friday night off, and planned a high-end adventure for one Miss Oblivious.
He picked me up at Stevens around 3:30 in his impressive 1964 400-ford galaxy with white exterior and aqua vinyl interior. Whisking me over to a warehouse called "Scraps" for dirt-cheap pieces of fabric and whatever else you need to make an out-of-this-world project.
I presented him with his very own Paynecreation doll (which I spaced out on taking a photo of), we picked up his pal and drove around for a bit and then picked up Maria and her friend, so now there was 5 danger rats on the prowl in the streets of San Francisco!
Our next stop would be Mission Thrift and only 10 minutes before we were due to arrive at Dirk Dirksen's (Mabuhay Gardens) film production lab.
By the way I had loaded up on amino acids the night before so I had to relieve my bladder every 15-30 minutes.
Dirk answered the door and put his index finger to his mouth and said "sssshhhhhhh", then closed the door half way and proceeded to scream, (I met Dirk years ago but there is no way he'd remember),
I used the facilities, and then he explained that all the 8+10-framed photos in the hall are for a new book that they are putting together about (you guessed it), punk in the late 70's early 80"s in SF.
We watched a short documentary and it was time for us to head on to Subterranean Records, for shopping and for Dog to get the book he had been promising me. LOSER the Seattle music history starting in the late 1800's to present. By the way thank you!
We stayed at Subterranean for at least two hours Steve was Kind enough to tolerate us reading his books and shopping for music as he filled on-line orders!
This place is a candy-shop for any music collector's sweet tooth! Books, old and new magazines, vinyl up the yang-yang and CD are a forming cavity ready to rot any music victim.
We left and it had to be about 9ish, and neither Dog nor I had eaten and it was definitely time, plus I really wanted a few beers. His pal that had joined us was not up for a meal with us so we dropped him off and headed over to the Mission (My favorite place to eat Mexican Food); we drove to ATM's and while on route, caught a glimpse of the LIVE billboards. Which are woman trapeze artists on a billboard performing.
Soon we arrived at our Mexican Haven and I jumped out to get a table while the car was parked and quickly ordered my Spanish bottle of ale.
Conversation, food and woman filling there tummies with beer and before we knew it, the time was close to midnight, (where did the time go)? Tanya and Cole never met up with us, I never got to see Ally, and our night was closing way to soon.
Dog still wanted to take me to meet his friend Pierre, so he called him up and it was still a go. He was up painting and wouldn't mind some company.
We drove to a south part of SF and rolled up to a glamorous villa, and were greeted by "Mr.Lucky"( http://www.mrlucky.org/ ), also known as Pierre when he paints. Leading us through a classy Spanish style entryway, we then proceeded through his garage were a fancy 1961 Chrysler covered collectable rests, we were then in his painting studio. An amazing artist is he ("abstract humanism" style), which is inspired by lines in his poetry. He is quite the accommodating host.
He soon offered beverages and we were led up to his living domain, which was gorgeous. We popped open our cans of sin and grabbed books, I started looking through a 1990's ReSearch book on swing.
There he was, our host, a full 4 page spread on how he had brought the swing scene into the punk scene via early 1980's. (He gave me the book), was front man for SF punk band via 79-80 " Pressure".
A renaissance type, and surely an interesting creature, he showed us some videos of his band which was a lounge act (Mr. Lucky Experience) in which he'd sing pop songs to such hits as "Billie Jean", "everybody wants to rule the world" in lounge swag.
He even revamped his home on his own.
It was time for us to leave since the sun would be rising in just a few hours. We dropped off Maria and company and I would go check out Dog's living quarters before returning to Steve n Josh's, which happen to be a stone's throw from Dog's. (Huh what a Small world).
We entered through a glass door and had visions of Heathers art (his roomy and co-host for the Doghouse), an Asian accent if you will. I then was able to meet Heather herself, which was watching television; I relieved my bladder for the twenty-first time since noon.
We walked into a most wondrous kitchen very 60's sterile and steel appliances (lovely), but the most glorious area I'd say is the lounge area, which when looking north in the kitchen through a 10+10 foot window is 60's swank style. A circle of cleverly placed chairs, faux furs throw rug, an organ and a bar? I think there was a bar? I was so sleepy by this time, yet we still had photographic plans.
There were attic steps that (duh) led up to the ceiling (another roommates space), and we took the steep stairs down leading to Dog's space.
Which is cleverly decorated and consist of three rooms. A collector of vintage items such as vinyl, toys, books, film, boxes/ packages of items past. Of course there is a covered automobile, one of five that this Car fanatic owns. Which would keep one busy with all the parking restrictions in a traffic filled city.
We went into his room and started shooting the photos for this month's issue and as usual when I click that one image (it may take 5 it may take 20) I know it's a wrap when I get "The One" in my image box.
He walked me half the block and I unlocked the gate and the door and crumbled in to a deep sleep…
I have to say it was one of the best times I've had that neither bars nor sex were involved!
Miss Oblivious
November 2006 issue $5.00
Adventures with one Dave" DOG" Swan
Oct 2006
I wrote about the above-mentioned Mr. Swan in a past zine this year and in case you are not on top of things I will be more than happy to update all of you on this divine creature.
I happened to stumble upon him at SF's undisclosed location this last spring. He was holding a video camera taping Master Moth and Le Flang Du Mal, I turned around after catching stills of these fabulous performers and there he sat in a chair documenting the happenings in John Whitehead's musty yet classy basement.
His appearance caught my eye and I asked if I could snap some quick shots of him. He said "sure', I then pulled a chair up next to him to chat for a bit and see what this interesting individual is about.
I piled many back issues of Oblivious Nation in his lap and we proceeded in an in-depth conversation (I think), we hung out a bit more into the night. He told me of his cable access show from the early 90's called "Doghouse" http://www.swandogtv.com/ and his many guests included friends Jello Biafra and Penelope Houston amongst many other groovy characters. He spent much time in Washington in the late 60's and has so many interesting stories to tell. I thought he was super fancy and hoped our paths would cross again.
Low and behold within that week he emailed me and told me of how he enjoyed my publication and how could I ever leave the bay area. We wrote back and forth and he even met up with me again at undisclosed for a brief visit in May. Presenting me with a copy of his beatnik jazzy band from SF 1980's called the Longshoreman (Subterranean Records).
I then lost contact when my yahoo account froze for a month or two, yet I still would send the latest issues every month. I was then able to reactivate my yahoo account, and we were back in constant communication.
I let him know I'd be visiting in October so he took the Friday night off, and planned a high-end adventure for one Miss Oblivious.
He picked me up at Stevens around 3:30 in his impressive 1964 400-ford galaxy with white exterior and aqua vinyl interior. Whisking me over to a warehouse called "Scraps" for dirt-cheap pieces of fabric and whatever else you need to make an out-of-this-world project.
I presented him with his very own Paynecreation doll (which I spaced out on taking a photo of), we picked up his pal and drove around for a bit and then picked up Maria and her friend, so now there was 5 danger rats on the prowl in the streets of San Francisco!
Our next stop would be Mission Thrift and only 10 minutes before we were due to arrive at Dirk Dirksen's (Mabuhay Gardens) film production lab.
By the way I had loaded up on amino acids the night before so I had to relieve my bladder every 15-30 minutes.
Dirk answered the door and put his index finger to his mouth and said "sssshhhhhhh", then closed the door half way and proceeded to scream, (I met Dirk years ago but there is no way he'd remember),
I used the facilities, and then he explained that all the 8+10-framed photos in the hall are for a new book that they are putting together about (you guessed it), punk in the late 70's early 80"s in SF.
We watched a short documentary and it was time for us to head on to Subterranean Records, for shopping and for Dog to get the book he had been promising me. LOSER the Seattle music history starting in the late 1800's to present. By the way thank you!
We stayed at Subterranean for at least two hours Steve was Kind enough to tolerate us reading his books and shopping for music as he filled on-line orders!
This place is a candy-shop for any music collector's sweet tooth! Books, old and new magazines, vinyl up the yang-yang and CD are a forming cavity ready to rot any music victim.
We left and it had to be about 9ish, and neither Dog nor I had eaten and it was definitely time, plus I really wanted a few beers. His pal that had joined us was not up for a meal with us so we dropped him off and headed over to the Mission (My favorite place to eat Mexican Food); we drove to ATM's and while on route, caught a glimpse of the LIVE billboards. Which are woman trapeze artists on a billboard performing.
Soon we arrived at our Mexican Haven and I jumped out to get a table while the car was parked and quickly ordered my Spanish bottle of ale.
Conversation, food and woman filling there tummies with beer and before we knew it, the time was close to midnight, (where did the time go)? Tanya and Cole never met up with us, I never got to see Ally, and our night was closing way to soon.
Dog still wanted to take me to meet his friend Pierre, so he called him up and it was still a go. He was up painting and wouldn't mind some company.
We drove to a south part of SF and rolled up to a glamorous villa, and were greeted by "Mr.Lucky"( http://www.mrlucky.org/ ), also known as Pierre when he paints. Leading us through a classy Spanish style entryway, we then proceeded through his garage were a fancy 1961 Chrysler covered collectable rests, we were then in his painting studio. An amazing artist is he ("abstract humanism" style), which is inspired by lines in his poetry. He is quite the accommodating host.
He soon offered beverages and we were led up to his living domain, which was gorgeous. We popped open our cans of sin and grabbed books, I started looking through a 1990's ReSearch book on swing.
There he was, our host, a full 4 page spread on how he had brought the swing scene into the punk scene via early 1980's. (He gave me the book), was front man for SF punk band via 79-80 " Pressure".
A renaissance type, and surely an interesting creature, he showed us some videos of his band which was a lounge act (Mr. Lucky Experience) in which he'd sing pop songs to such hits as "Billie Jean", "everybody wants to rule the world" in lounge swag.
He even revamped his home on his own.
It was time for us to leave since the sun would be rising in just a few hours. We dropped off Maria and company and I would go check out Dog's living quarters before returning to Steve n Josh's, which happen to be a stone's throw from Dog's. (Huh what a Small world).
We entered through a glass door and had visions of Heathers art (his roomy and co-host for the Doghouse), an Asian accent if you will. I then was able to meet Heather herself, which was watching television; I relieved my bladder for the twenty-first time since noon.
We walked into a most wondrous kitchen very 60's sterile and steel appliances (lovely), but the most glorious area I'd say is the lounge area, which when looking north in the kitchen through a 10+10 foot window is 60's swank style. A circle of cleverly placed chairs, faux furs throw rug, an organ and a bar? I think there was a bar? I was so sleepy by this time, yet we still had photographic plans.
There were attic steps that (duh) led up to the ceiling (another roommates space), and we took the steep stairs down leading to Dog's space.
Which is cleverly decorated and consist of three rooms. A collector of vintage items such as vinyl, toys, books, film, boxes/ packages of items past. Of course there is a covered automobile, one of five that this Car fanatic owns. Which would keep one busy with all the parking restrictions in a traffic filled city.
We went into his room and started shooting the photos for this month's issue and as usual when I click that one image (it may take 5 it may take 20) I know it's a wrap when I get "The One" in my image box.
He walked me half the block and I unlocked the gate and the door and crumbled in to a deep sleep…
I have to say it was one of the best times I've had that neither bars nor sex were involved!
Miss Oblivious
November 2006 issue $5.00
dirk dirkson,
mr lucky,
san francisco
Crispin on Toast
True Underground Mishaps & thoughts!
Miss Oblivious thinks again?????
Saturday, November 04, 2006
crispin in the toast Current mood: pleased Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
I just spent 4 hours with one of the maddest geniuses of our era.
A man that has never bowed down to all the Hollywood hoopla that many of his peers and co-workers have.
he is doing it all his way, no censorship involved. His Movie "What Is It"? is not what you'd expect and that's what makes it even more fundamentally moving...
he makes you think, he listens and speaks.........
thank you Crispin and sorry for the taboo Q&A photo I promise to never publasiZE......
I advise all of my generation and the ones before and after to open your minds and take the CHG trip
Miss Oblivious thinks again?????
Saturday, November 04, 2006
crispin in the toast Current mood: pleased Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
I just spent 4 hours with one of the maddest geniuses of our era.
A man that has never bowed down to all the Hollywood hoopla that many of his peers and co-workers have.
he is doing it all his way, no censorship involved. His Movie "What Is It"? is not what you'd expect and that's what makes it even more fundamentally moving...
he makes you think, he listens and speaks.........
thank you Crispin and sorry for the taboo Q&A photo I promise to never publasiZE......
I advise all of my generation and the ones before and after to open your minds and take the CHG trip
bizarre evening,
crispin glover,
miss oblivious
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